Champion sired Chase and champion grand sired Harlow had four gorgeous long coat puppies on Wednesday July 24, 2024. We have three females and one male.
Black and tan long coat male puppy at 7 weeks old is charting to be 6 pounds when grown. Gorgeous, playful, happy boy is so fluffy ❤️ and he is available!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Black tri merle long coat female puppy at 7 weeks old is charting to be 6 1/2 pounds when grown. She is stunning!
Puppies at 6 weeks old!
Black and tan long coat male at 6 weeks old. Gorgeous boy charting to be 5 3/4 to 6 pounds when grown ❤️
DEPOSIT RECEIVED, Chocolate and tan long coat female at 6 weeks old. She is exceptionally beautiful and quite small❤️. Charting to be 5 pounds or less when grown.
Black tri merle long coat female at 6 weeks old, she is stunning ❤️. Charting to be 6 to 6 1/2 pounds when grown.
Handsome black tri long coat male at 5 weeks!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Beautiful chocolate and tan long coat female at 5 weeks old!
Gorgeous black tri merle long coat female at 5 weeks old!
Puppies at 4 weeks old!
Black tri long coat male at 4 weeks old
#1 black tri long coat merle female at 4 weeks old
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Chocolate and tan long coat female at 4 weeks old.
#2 Black tri long coat merle female at 4 weeks old
Puppies at 3 weeks old!
Black tri long coat male at 3 weeks old
#1 Black merle female at 3 weeks old
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Chocolate and tan long coat female at 3 weeks old
#2 Black merle long coat female at 3 weeks old
Puppies at 2 weeks old!
Black tri long coat male at 2 weeks old.
#1 black merle long coat female at 2 weeks old
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Chocolate and tan long coat female at 2 weeks old