THESE PUPPIES ARE ALL RESERVED My gorgeous Ava was bred to my good friend’s Champion Dartan’s Grand Slam son. They have seven amazing babies born Saturday 5/2/2020! Just below are pictures and Pedigree of the sire of this litter. To see mom’s pictures and pedigree use the button below that says AVA. Both parents have OFA normal hearts and Patellas!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED! Very small smoothcoat merle female puppy, at 8 weeks old she is under 1 1/2 pounds. She has a delightful, fun personality. She is curious and outgoing but loves to be snuggled and held also! This video opens to full screen if you pinch open once you start it.
AVA’S BABIES BELOW AT 7 WEEKS OLD! These videos open to full page if you place your thumb and forefinger on it and spread them apart!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED! Black Tri Merle female puppy at 7 weeks old is charting to be 5 1/4 pounds when grown. She is under deposit to an approved pet home!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED! Tiny Black Tri Merle Smoothcoat Female Puppy. At 7 weeks old she is charting to be 3 3/4 to 4 pounds when grown. She is available to an approved pet home.
AVAILABLE! Small Black Tri Merle smoothcoat female puppy at 6 weeks old is charting to be 5 1/4 pounds when grown. She is available to an approved non-breeding pet home!
AVAILABLE! Tiny Black Tri Merle smoothcoat female puppy at 6 weeks old is charting to be 3 3/4 pounds grown. She is available to an approved non-breeding pet home!
Black Tri Merle Male longcoat is not available, under evaluation as possible show prospect for myself. At 5 weeks old he is charting to be 3 1/2 pounds as an adult!
NOT AVAILABLE. Black and Tan Smoothcoat Male at 5 weeks old he is charting to be 3 1/2 pounds when grown. He is under deposit to an approved appropriate pet home!
NOT AVAILABLE! Black and Tan Longcoat Male #1 at 5 weeks old he is charting to be 3 pounds when grown. He is under deposit to an approved appropriate pet home!
NOT AVAILABLE! Longcoat Black and Tan Male #2 at 5 weeks old he is charting to be 2 1/4 pounds when grown. He is under deposit to an approved appropriate pet home!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED! Cream smoothcoat female at 5 weeks old is charting to be 4 1/2 pounds when grown. This girl is probably a hidden Merle but her eyes are dark blue so they will probably change color and not stay blue. She is reserved to an approved pet home!
AVAILABLE! Black tri merle smoothcoat female #1 at 5 weeks old is charting to be 3 3/4 pounds when grown. She is available to an approved appropriate pet home!
AVAILABLE! Black tri smoothcoat female #2 at 5 weeks old is charting to be 4 1/4 pounds when grown. She is available to an approved appropriate pet home!
Black Tri Merle Longcoat Male at 4 weeks old is charting to be 3 3/4 pounds. Due to the girls in this litter being so tiny I may keep this boy for myself as I can’t keep any of the girls.
Tiny Black and Tan Longcoat Male at 4 weeks charting to be 2 3/4 pounds
Black and Tan Smoothcoat Male puppy at 4 weeks charting to be 3 1/2 pounds
Tiny Black and Tan Longcoat Male Puppy at 4 weeks charting to be 2 1/2 pounds
Cream hidden merle with blue eyes smoothcoat female at 4 weeks charting to be 3 3/4 pounds
Black Tri Merle #1 smoothcoat at 4 weeks old charting to be 3 1/4 pounds
Black Tri Merle female #2 Smooth coat 3 weeks old, charting 3 1/2 pounds
Black Tri Merle longcoat male puppy at three weeks old
#1 Black and tan longcoat male puppy at three weeks old
#2 Black and tan smoothcoat male puppy at three weeks old
#3 Black and tan longcoat male puppy at three weeks old
Cream smoothcoat female puppy at 3 weeks old
#1 Black Tri Merle smoothcoat female puppy at 3 weeks old
#2 Black Tri Merle smoothcoat female puppy at 3 weeks old
Ava’s babies at 2 weeks!
Black Tri with Merle Markings Male Puppy at 2 weeks old, longcoat!
#1 Black and Tan Male Puppy at 2 weeks old, looks like a longcoat!
#2 Black and Tan Male Puppy at 2 weeks old, looks like a smoothcoat!
#3 Black and Tan Male Puppy at 2 weeks old, looks like a longcoat
Cream Female Puppy at 2 weeks old, not sure but she’s probably longcoat!
#1 Black Tri With Merle Markings Female Puppy at 2 weeks old, smoothcoat!
#2 Black Tri with Merle Markings Female Puppy 2 weeks old, smoothcoat!
Ava’s Babies 1 week old!
Black Tri with Merle Male looks like a longcoat!
Black Male #1 looks pure black with just a tiny bit of white!
Black Male #2 looks like he’s a Black and Tan like his sire!
Black Male #3 looks like he will be Black and Tan like his sire!