AVA’S PUPPIES ARE ALL SOLD! Champion sired BCBG High Voltage (a Dartan’s Grand Slam son!) and champion lines Rillito Painted Lady “Ava” have four gorgeous babies born 10/6/2019. We have two little girls and one little merle boy, all are sold!
SOLD! Beautiful little cream and white baby girl is so sweet and affectionate! She is charting to be about 5 1/2 pounds grown, now 11 weeks old and adorable 💕
AVAILABLE! Flashy little merle male with a huge personality. He is such a charmer! This gorgeous boy is 11 weeks old. He will be about 6 pounds when grown.
AVAILABLE! Black Merle Male 8 weeks old, charting to be 6 pounds when grown
SOLD! Gold with white markings female 8 weeks old, charting to be 5 1/2 pounds when grown
SOLD! Black and Tan longcoat female 8 weeks old, charting to be just 4 pounds when grown
Black merle male is a friendly little guy and so handsome. I expect he will be 6 pounds when grown.
SOLD cream with white female is very sweet and calm, loves attention. She will be about 5 1/2 to 6 pounds when grown.
SOLD! Cream and white female has surprised me with blue eyes so it appears she is a hidden merle! She has a silly, playful and friendly personality. I expect she will be 7 pounds when grown.
SOLD, Very small black female now has tan points so is actually a black and tan! She is a longcoat chihuahua. She has a very friendly, sweet personality. I expect she will be 4 to 4 1/2 pounds when grown.
Black merle male at 3 weeks old
SOLD, Cream or light fawn smoothcoat female at 3 weeks old
Cream or white female, I believe she is a smoothcoat now 3 weeks old
SOLD, small black longcoat female at 3 weeks old
Black merle male at 2 weeks old, quite certain he’s a smoothcoat
SOLD, Cream female at 2 weeks old, quite certain she’s a smoothcoat
SOLD, White female at 2 weeks old, maybe longcoat?
SOLD, Very small black female at 2 weeks old, maybe longcoat?
Male, black merle with white, 1 week
#1 Female, SOLD. Cream with white, 1 week
#2 Female, SOLD, Solid white at this 1 week
#3 Female, SOLD, Black, very small at 1 week
Pure black except this tiny splash of white on her chest