DEPOSIT RECEIVED! This little guy is extremely well put together, he is a beautiful show quality male but because he is charting to be 6 pounds which is at the top of the standard I am looking for a non-breeding forever pet home. I expect he will lose pretty much all of the black markings except maybe some on his tail and black mask on his muzzle. His adult coat color will likely be fawn or red fawn. He is current on immunizations, has a normal veterinary exam and is doing very well using potty pads. His personality is adorable, friendly happy boy!
SOLD! I absolutely love this little girl and we would keep her if she was going to be just a little bigger. She is exceptional in personality and conformation. She is a gorgeous little Applehead Chihuahua with a beautiful face and beautiful personality and honestly I just can’t find any fault with this little gem. She has a normal veterinary exam and is current on immunizations, she is doing very well with using a potty pad.
AVAILABLE! This exceptionally beautiful boy is charting to be 6 pounds when grown. He is definitely show quality in looks but is being made available to an approved pet home. He has a darling personality, happy friendly and playful. He is now 10 weeks old, has a normal vet exam, doing well with potty pad training, current on immunizations and is ready to come home!
SOLD! This very beautiful girl is an absolute doll. She has a delightful happy and friendly personality. She is charting to be between 5 to 5 1/2 pounds as an adult. She is definitely show quality in looks but is being made available to an approved pet home. She is now 10 weeks old, doing very well with potty pad training, has a normal vet exam, current immunizations and ready to come home!
SOLD! Wolf sable longcoat male puppy at 9 weeks old charting to weigh 6 pounds
AVAILABLE! Sable smoothcoat male puppy at 8 weeks old charting to be 6 pounds when grown. This little boy is beautiful, looks like a show prospect.
SOLD! Female #1 (she has more white on her chest) 8 weeks old She is charting to be 5 1/2 pounds, looks like a show prospect, beautiful and outgoing
Female puppy #2 (less white on her chest) 8 weeks old
SOLD! Sable longcoat male puppy is 7 weeks old and charting to be 5 3/4 to 6 pounds when grown
SOLD! Fawn smoothcoat male with black mask at 7 weeks old he is charting to be 6 1/4 pounds when grown
Sable smoothcoat male puppy with black mask at 7 weeks old he is charting to be 5 3/4 pounds when he is grown
Female puppy #1 black with more white on her chest. She is charting to be 4 1/2 to 4 3/4 pounds when grown. She is seven weeks old!
SOLD! Female puppy #2. She is black with less white on her chest. Charting to be 4 3/4 to 5 pounds when grown. Seven weeks old!
SOLD! Sable longcoat male puppy is 6 weeks old and charting to be 5 1/2 pounds when he’s grown
Fawn with black sable and black mask at 6 weeks charting to be 5 1/2 to 5 3/4 pounds grown
SOLD! Fawn with black mask smoothcoat male at 6 weeks charting to be 6 pounds when grown
Black and white female #1, she has more white on her chest. Six weeks old, charting to be 4 1/2 to 4 3/4 pounds.
SOLD! Black and white female puppy #2, this is the puppy with less white on her chest. 6 weeks old, charting to be 4 3/4 to 5 pounds.
Black and white smoothcoat female #1 at 5 weeks old. She has more white.
SOLD! Black and white smoothcoat female #2 at 5 weeks old. She has very little white
Dark sable smoothcoat male at 5 weeks old
SOLD! Fawn with black mask smoothcoat male at 5 weeks old
SOLD! Sable longcoat male, 5 weeks old
Black with white markings smoothcoat girl #1
SOLD! Black with white markings smoothcoat girl #2
SOLD! Light sable boy with black mask
Dark sable smoothcoat boy
SOLD! Dark sable longcoat male
#1)Black and white female smoothcoat
#2) Black and white female smoothcoat
Dark sable male, smoothcoat
Light sable male with black mask
Dark sable male, I believe he was the only longcoat puppy in this litter