Champion sired Chase and champion grand sired Cierra have three beautiful babies born Thursday 4/18/2024. All three will be long coat chihuahuas. We have one black and white female available, the two males are sold
Black long coat female with white markings is charting to be 6 pounds when grown. This one is a little spitfire, so confident and spirited!
Beautiful black long coat female puppy with white markings at 11 weeks old
SOLD red fawn sable with white long coat male puppy at 10 weeks old is charting to be 5 1/2 to 5 3/4 pounds as an adult. This puppy is happy and playful, a little reserved with strangers.
AVAILABLE black with white long coat female puppy at 10 weeks old is charting to be 6 pounds when grown. This girl is very social, no fear and so much fun.
Puppies at 8 weeks old!
SOLD Adorable red fawn sable and white long coat male at 8 weeks old is charting to be 5 1/2 to 6 pounds. This boy absolutely loves his toys and will entertain you nonstop with his joyous playing. His color and markings are so flashy. Such a very cute little guy❤️
AVAILABLE Stunning black and white long coat female puppy at 8 weeks old is charting to be 6 to 6 1/2 pounds grown. It’s getting hard to get pictures of this little girl because she just wants to jump in my lap! She has a beautiful baby doll face with short muzzle and gorgeous domed apple head❤️
Puppies at 7 weeks old!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Red fawn sable long coat male with white Irish markings at 7 weeks old. This boy is very sweet and gentle, not quite so bold as his siblings. His color and markings are so flashy, really an adorable boy.
AVAILABLE Black long coat female with white markings at 7 weeks old. This girl is very social and outgoing, no fear. She has a beautiful baby doll face with domed apple head and short muzzle.
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Cream long coat male with white markings at 6 weeks old
Red fawn sable long coat male with white markings at 6 weeks old
Black long coat female with white markings at 6 weeks old
Cream long coat male with white markings at 5 weeks old
Red fawn sable male with white Irish markings at 5 weeks old.
Black long coat female with white markings at 5 weeks old
Puppies at 4 weeks old!
Cream long coat male with white markings at 4 weeks old
Red sable long coat male with white markings at 4 weeks old
Black long coat female with white markings at 4 weeks old
Puppies at 3 weeks old!
Cream with white markings long coat male at 3 weeks old
Red fawn sable with white long coat male at 3 weeks old
Black with white markings long coat female at 3 weeks old
Puppies at 2 weeks old
Cream long coat male with white markings at 2 weeks old
Red fawn sable long coat male with white Irish markings at 2 weeks old