NONE AVAILABLE! Imported Canadian Champion Teg’s Fabulous Frankie and Russian import champion lines Izabelle have four exceptional babies born July 10th 2019! These are Smoothcoat babies. NONE ARE AVAILABLE!
SOLD! Male puppy is a gorgeous little guy. I expect he will be about 6 pounds as an adult. Absolutely beautiful domed apple head and that gorgeous big eyed babydoll face! 💙
#1 female puppy is the biggest puppy. I expect she will be 6 to 6 1/2 pounds grown. She will be staying here!
DEPOSIT RECEIVED! #2 female puppy at 6 weeks old is quite small, she will probably be about 4 1/2 pounds grown
Male is now 5 weeks old!
#1 female is now 5 weeks old!
#2 female is now 5 weeks old!
Male at 3 1/2 weeks old. These babies are so plump and advanced in activity for their age!
#1 Female at 3 1/2 weeks old. This girl is looking like she will be a nice size and I may just be keeping her since Izabelle tends to have smaller puppies this may be my one opportunity to keep one of her babies!
#2 Female at 3 1/2 weeks old. This girl is quite small, I expect she will be available to a pet home only as she will be too small for breeding.